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My first Solo Exhibition

I posted an event in my facebook page for my upcoming solo exhibition

It will be held between the dates of 14 April to 23 April
at French Fashion University Esmod Gallery at Dubai.

the opening will be at Tuesday April 14th at 7 p.m.

I would like to thank French Fashion University Esmod for giving me the change to showcase my work and do my own style for the event

It's like a dream comes true because my fashion photography work will be in a fashion place :)

I also would like to thank each students for being unique and at last my friend Canella and wish her all the best

for more information or if you are interested to come to the event you can view this

and French Fashion University Esmod Dubai

I added a page in my official website but I'm not sure about the design - I still don't like it - i hope i still have more time to design the posters - i will go tomorrow to check on my prints - i hope everything will be alright since i traveled for a week. didn't book in any hotels near the location yet

wish me luck and see you there :)

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